My first Christmas Party at School
This was my first "grown-up" party that I have been to outside the family ones and boy were my co-teachers cuttin' loose as the night went on. I participated in the "bottle exchange" (parang White Elephant) and I contributed Bailey's to the booty. I got champagne as I chose last (to be enjoyed for Mark & I's Happy Birthsary Valentine's). The funniest part of the exchange was when our beloved coach (known for his penchant for the drink) received a "bottle" of Nutella. The other 2 awful gifts were a baby bottle (and empty at that) and a bottle of cheap men's cologne. The really good ones were my Bailey's (of course), Skky Vodka, Kahlua and Licor 43. I don't drink that often and when I get a sip, I always pour lots of ice to taper down the taste...and then I remember why I don't drink much! LOL!
Mark & I hardly ever drink and I never did understand the big deal about the different kinds of liquor. But seeing how much "fun" most everyone had as they "toasted" the night away, I cannot help but be a little saddened that they are seeking to fill the emptiness in their soul with "spirits" and not the "Holy Spirit." It is so easy to get started with "one drink" and then "one more," never had I been more thankful that God gave me a very low tolerance for alcohol...kasi nakikita ko ang sarili ko "having a great time" kapag mahilig ako uminom...and it scared me a lot so Mark & I were glad that the party was over 30 mins. early.
After that, some teachers invited Mark & I to join them at 927, a club in Addison. Now don't get me wrong, I wanted to go kasi first time ko in the 30 years I have been on this wonderful earth that I have been to a club. I am glad I had Mark with me...I wanted to see if it's like how they show it on TV or the movies, and it did not disappoint. My co-teachers were burning up the dance floor while Mark & I watched, we left after an hour kasi hindi na kaya ng spirit namin to stay longer. I felt like I was soo detached watching them and the other people, yet again trying to fill their empty spirits with temporary pleasures.
I had a little talk with God while Mark was getting the car and decided then and there that it will probably be a long time before I do anything like that again. I can see how easy it is for me to be "of the world" and I don't want to be that.
God reminded me today to be "in the World, not of it" again as I was having a little mini-pity party while I was doing chores over some things that have happened in the past 24 hours. He reminded me that I am such a blessing to my friends and family and at work and to keep it up and not let other peoples insensitivities pull me down.
I won't be on this earth for too long, I have so much to look forward to in Heaven with my family and friends, I am soo excited!! And that, my dear friends, is what Christmas is really all about.
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