The Diva Does It All!

Friday, August 03, 2007

Another one for The Kingdom...

Sometimes the most precious things to happen in your and your childrens' lives happen in the span of minutes, even seconds!

While I was getting ready for my trip to Austin/Temple after taking my Sp Ed teachers exam for a well deserved R&R by my little lonesome, my cutie pie Laura Rose glides into my room, jumps up and down on my bed and sings me a little song about God & Heaven.

"Laura, do you know where Heaven is?"

"It's up in the sky!"

"Do you know how to get there?"

"You die and then you get there."

Well, she got most of the basics down pat. In the midst of me packing, Mark puttering around doing this and that, & the other kids playing somewhere else in the house, I felt the Lord telling me that this is the right time to really introduce her to Jesus.

"Laura, did you know that you need to do one more thing before you can get to Heaven?"

"What's that, Mommy?"

"You need to ask Jesus in your heart, because this is the only way you can get to Heaven, would you like to do that?"

"Oh yes Mommy! I love Jesus!"

And we just prayed a simple prayer for Jesus to come into her heart and life.

"Where is Jesus now?"

"He's in my heart!"

"Will He leave your heart?"

"No, because He loves me!"

Ah, the simple faith of a child, so completely trusting, so completely loving.

Father, remind me of precious moments like this during the times of my life when my own faith is sorely lacking, in Jesus' name, Amen.


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